Login to NASTAR Racing
Race Results
Within 24 hours* of your NASTAR race, your results will be posted to your Race Record at nastar.com. If you are racing at a resort that offers Live-Timing your results will posted there immediately. If you're a NASTAR member your race results will automatically be added to your existing Race Record. If you are racing for the first time, a Race Record will be created for you when your results are posted.
Search By Resort

Select a resort to see a listing of completed races and view race results.
Resorts in the 2022 - 2023 season:  
Change Season

Search For Racer By Name

Search for a particular racer by entering their first (optional) and last name in the fields below.


Search For Racer By Town/State

Search for racers by entering their City (optional) and State in the fields below.

Team Racing
Each time a team member races NASTAR they score points for their team. Participants don't need to race on the same day or at the same location to score points for their online team! The NASTAR web site keeps track of team scores based on each participant's best handicap earned during the season and ranks each team. NASTAR racers can be associated with three types of teams: Family/Friends Team, Resort Team & Club Team. A list for Teams and Team Rules can be found here.
Search For a Team

Search for a Family/Friends Team, Club Team or Resort Team by selected a Team in the respective pulldown menu.

Family/Friends Team

Six racers are used to score the team

Club Team

Fifteen racers are used to score the team

Resort Team

Twenty racers are used to score the Resort Team

Series / Team Results

Click here to view Race Series results and season long standings for individuals and teams.

Maintain Your Race Record

NASTAR provides you with the ability to maintain your Race Record during the year. To do so you must login using your NASTAR Registration Number and NASTAR Password. Once you login, you will have access to special features on your Race Record accessible only by you.


Need Help?

Forgot NASTAR Registration Number

Enter your first (optional) and last name below or in the field indicated at the top of the page, hit search names and you will see it listed next to your name.


Forgot NASTAR Password

Enter the e-mail address you used when registering and we will e-mail it to you.

Need to Create a NASTAR Password

Create one below. If you get an error message when you try to create a NASTAR Password, you either entered an invalid NASTAR Registration Number or you already have a NASTAR Password on file with us. To confirm this information, scroll above to "Forgot NASTAR Registration Number" or "Forgot NASTAR Password".

(at least 4 characters)

NOTE: This option is also available on your Race Record. To view your Race Record enter your last name or NASTAR Registration Number in the field indicated at the top of each page and hit search names. Click on your full name to view your Race Record. If you enter your NASTAR Registration Number you will go directly to your Race Record. At the top of your Race Record it will say "I am 'Your Name' and I would like to login!". Hit click here and follow the steps to create a NASTAR Password and login. If you do not see this message on your Race Record you already have a NASTAR Password on file with us. If this happens, scroll above to "Forgot NASTAR Password".

Login Error Message

If you get an error message when you try to login, you entered an invalid NASTAR Registration Number and/or NASTAR Password. To confirm this information, scroll above to "Forgot NASTAR Registration Number" or "Forgot NASTAR Password".

* Following each race, it is the resort's responsibility to post their complete and accurate race results to nastar.com in a timely manner and download the latest database updates. We encourage resorts to do this within 24 hours of each race, however, as you may imagine this isn't always the case. We encourage you to contact the resort prior to contacting NASTAR as they can give you more specifics about their race results.