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Race Results
Feb 17th, 2019
Sunday Series Week 6
not provided

Series: Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series
Scoring method: Use Place Points 50, 45, 40...
By Group
Teams of 2
Par Time

Results for Feb 17th, 2019 - Sunday Series Week 6

(sorted by last name - best handicap only)
Age & Gender

Jackson BlissTroy, MIMale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series8Blue30.0339.54 Gold 

Jenna BrownClarkston, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue27.9229.74 Platinum 

Logan BrownClarkston, MIMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Yellow28.7032.32 Platinum 

Jordyn CoinOxford, MIFemale 12-139Blue25.5118.54 Platinum 

Zackary CoinClarkston, MIMale 8-96Blue27.2826.77 Platinum 

James CrawfordFenton, MIMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series4Blue37.5274.35 Silver 
Joseph DimattiaMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series4Blue36.4869.52 Silver 

Luca DimattiaMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Yellow38.9879.71 Bronze 

Austin EvansClarkston, MIMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series4Blue33.8057.06 Gold 

Jane Fall-lakatosBloomfield Hills, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue24.7114.82 Platinum 

 Connor FordHolly, MIMale 16-17Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series14Blue21.962.04 Platinum 
 Jack FordHolly, MIMale 16-17Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series14Blue22.042.42 Platinum 

Chloe GaineyLake Orion, MIFemale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series5Blue34.6060.78 Silver 

Bode GlanceBloomfield Hills, MIMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Blue31.2044.98 Gold 

Jasper GlanceMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series4Blue37.1272.49 Silver 

Anna HeimbergerHolly, MIFemale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series9Yellow27.0924.90 Gold 

Rye HenkeGoodrich, MIMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Blue35.2863.94 Silver 

Lauren HigdonFemale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series9Blue32.2749.95 Silver 

 Kate IuppenlatzBloomfield Hills, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue28.7833.74 Gold 

Chase JacobSwartz Creek, MIMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Blue31.9248.33 Gold 

Alli KingWaterford, MIMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series3Blue38.0876.95 Silver 

Isadora KotwickiGrand Blanc, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue30.9043.59 Gold 

Audrey KuyothFemale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series9Blue30.3040.80 Silver 

Andre LaFondWaterford, MIMale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series8Blue29.0234.85 Gold 

Reece MatthewsWhite Lake, MIMale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series10Blue27.7629.00 Gold 

 Allison MerrillGrand Blanc, MIFemale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series9Blue24.0911.94 Platinum 

 Max MerrillGrand Blanc, MIMale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series10Blue25.5718.82 Platinum 

Corryn NiemiOrtonville, MIFemale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series5Yellow30.3940.11 Gold 

Tyler NiemiOrtonville, MIMale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series8Yellow27.3826.23 Platinum 

Kurtis NilmiOrtonville, MIMale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series10Yellow25.4217.20 Platinum 

 Katja OpferRochester, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue30.7943.08 Gold 

 Avery PalarchioHolly, MIFemale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series5Blue35.7065.89 Silver 

Audie PoltorakBirmingham, MIMale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series10Blue26.5123.19 Gold 

Katerina PolukhFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue30.8543.36 Gold 
Rachel "GOOSE" ReckFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue28.8534.06 Gold 

Cameron ReeceMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Yellow28.1229.64 Platinum 

David RobinsonDavisburg, MIMale 16-17Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series14Blue26.0120.86 Silver 

Lauren RossieterFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue31.2745.31 Silver 

Evan SavoieClarkston, MIMale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series10Yellow27.5927.20 Gold 

 Lucy SavoieClarkston, MIFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue30.0039.41 Gold 

Ryan ScobelTroy, MIMale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series8Yellow36.5768.60 Bronze 

Layla TiberiaFemale 10-11Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series7Blue33.7656.88 Silver 

Zara TiberiaFemale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series5Blue36.2168.26 Silver 

 Bella ToddGrand Blanc, MIFemale 12-13Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series9Blue27.2126.44 Gold 

Frank VannMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Blue29.1035.22 Gold 
Anthony VentimigliaClarkston, MIMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Yellow30.5540.85 Gold 

Annie WayWest Bloomfield, MIFemale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series5Yellow31.1843.75 Gold 

Kenny WayWest Bloomfield, MIMale 6-7Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series4Blue32.4150.60 Gold 

Grant YoungMale 8-9Mt. Holly-Pine Knob Race Series6Yellow36.2367.04 Bronze