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Mar 1st, 2025 - SaturdayAspen Town Race Series Race 3 Slalom
Feb 22nd, 2025 - SaturdayASTRS Town Series Race 2 Slalom
Feb 8th, 2025 - SaturdayASTRS Aspen Mountain Race 1 SL

Individual Standings
   [Team Standings]  
Scoring Method : Use Place Points 100, 80, 60, 50...
By Group
Based on 2 runs combined (first 2 results from either course)
Age & Gender
Num Races

1   Linzhi DouglassTimberline Bank
Female 21-29F14-29        3280  
2   Kyra LongLas Montanas
Female 21-29F14-29        1100  

1   Melanie SchwartzKSPN
Female 35-39F30-39        2200  

1   Carly RebeizS & S Construction
Female 40-44F40-49        2200  
2   Tanya MilelliBOOTech
Female 40-44F40-49        2160  
3   Kim MannBOOTech
Female 45-49F40-49        180  

1   Liz NessenKSPN
Female 65-69F60-69        3260  
2   Cindy LindsayBOOTech
Female 65-69F60-69        2200  

1   Ann HopkinsonTimberline Bank
Female 70-74F70-79        3300  

1   Charlotte JanianLas Montanas
Female 8-9Kids        1100  
1   Alexa StricklandS & S Construction
Female 8-9Kids        1100  
3   Bonnie BoydLas Montanas
Female 8-9Kids        180  
3   Polina SedoyLas Montanas
Female 12-13Kids        180  
5   Vivienne gilmoreSterling
Female 8-9Kids        160  
5   Ellie FullerFuller Family
Female 8-9Kids        160  
7   Kaia FieldingLas Montanas
Female 12-13Kids        150  
7   Amelia SzoradiLas Montanas
Female 8-9Kids        150  
9   Emily NoemSterling
Female 10-11Kids        145  
9   Zaya Von FinckLas Montanas
Female 12-13Kids        145  
11   Alaina NoemSterling
Female 8-9Kids        140  
11   Dalia MuresanLas Montanas
Female 12-13Kids        140  
13   Beatrice CastilloLas Montanas
Female 12-13Kids        136  
13   India WickLas Montanas
Female 6-7Kids        136  
15   Lauren CallihamSterling
Female 10-11Kids        132  
16   Josie AndersonSterling
Female 10-11Kids        129  

1   Colin JordanSterling
Male 8-9M Kids        2145  
2   Haaken HjorthSterling
Male 10-11M Kids        2120  
3   Steele SabellaSterling
Male 10-11M Kids        1100  
3   Champion LaymanSterling
Male 1-5M Kids        1100  
5   Noam GildorSterling
Male 6-7M Kids        180  
5   Ash SabellaSterling
Male 8-9M Kids        180  
7   Bodhi FieldingSterling
Male 8-9M Kids        150  
7   Cole SpaydLas Montanas
Male 8-9M Kids        150  

1   Andrew HancockS & S Construction
Male 21-29M14-29        3300  
2   Trey ThorpeBOOTech
Male 21-29M14-29        2160  
3   Isaac SiegelSterling
Male 21-29M14-29        160  

1   Austin NevinsS & S Construction
Male 35-39M30-39        3300  
2   Mike HoltBOOTech
Male 30-34M30-39        3220  
3   Toby LamarTimberline Bank
Male 35-39M30-39        180  
4   Ben MacKoffBOOTech
Male 35-39M30-39        160  
5   Marco TomasiS & S Construction
Male 35-39M30-39        150  

1   Jonathan BallouBOOTech
Male 45-49M40-49        2200  
2   JT WilliamsS & S Construction
Male 40-44M40-49        180  
2   Kevin Jordan
Male 40-44M40-49        180  
4   Topher SabellaSterling
Male 40-44M40-49        160  

1   Scott StricklandS & S Construction
Male 55-59M50-59        3240  
2   Bill MadsenBOOTech
Male 55-59M50-59        3220  
3   Kevin hendricksonS & S Construction
Male 50-54M50-59        2200  
4   Stephen CentofantiKSPN
Male 55-59M50-59        3127  
5   David SturtSterling
Male 55-59M50-59        2110  
6   Arild OttersenTimberline Bank
Male 55-59M50-59        286  
7   Johnny Walker
Male 50-54M50-59        285  
8   Travis HjorthSterling
Male 50-54M50-59        280  
9   Miles FullerFuller Family
Male 50-54M50-59        145  
10   Peter Taylor
Male 50-54M50-59        136  

1   Mike MapleS & S Construction
Male 65-69M60-69        3280  
2   Chris WirklerTimberline Bank
Male 60-64M60-69        3180  
2   Jim LindsayBOOTech
Male 60-64M60-69        3180  
2   Tim ItinBOOTech
Male 65-69M60-69        2180  
5   Arlan HemphillBooTech
M60-69        3135  
6   Don ShafferKSPN
Male 65-69M60-69        3126  
7   Victor SiegelKSPN
Male 60-64M60-69        272  
8   Tim MillsBOOTech
Male 65-69M60-69        136  

1   Tom KennedyKSPN
Male 70-74M70-79        3260  
2   Jeff HandwerkBOOTech
Male 70-74M70-79        3200  
2   J Ross DouglassTimberline Bank
Male 70-74M70-79        2200  
4   Terry PattenTimberline Bank
Male 70-74M70-79        3160  
5   Thomas CameronTimberline Bank
Male 70-74M70-79        3131  
6   William RomKSPN
Male 75-79M70-79        3120  
7   Chris DunlapKSPN
Male 70-74M70-79        290  

1   Charles TowerS & S Construction
Male 80-84M80+        3280  
2   Eddie RainerKSPN
Male 80-84M80+        3260  
3   Jacques HouotKSPN
Male 85-89M80+        2120  
  1. NASTAR Points are a great way to score a series of races because each competitor's age and gender are factored into their score. The NASTAR handicap chart shows the number of NASTAR points scored based on the medal won. Click here to view the NASTAR Handicap Chart. The number of NASTAR points indicated on the chart is a range. Since NASTAR points are interpolated, the exact number of NASTAR points earned will be within this range. The exact number of NASTAR points scored is indicated on the results page for that race.
  2. 100 Point Scale. Competitors score points based on the place they finish in the race.
    Place:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
    Points:100 80 60 50 45 40 36 32 29 26 24 22 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
  3. 50 Point Scale. Competitors score points based on the place they finish in the race.
    Place:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Points: 50 45 40 35 30 26 22 19 16 14 12 10  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1