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Search for racers from "Oxford, ME"
18 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
CHO442  Darren Chouinard Oxford  ME 
COR1326  Eric Cornell Oxford  ME 
LON216  Sasha Long Oxford  ME 
MAR5142  Andrew March Oxford  ME 
MCP321  Deejay Mcphail Oxford  ME 
MCP322  Samantha McPhail Oxford  ME 
MIL3746  Jacob Mills Oxford  ME 
NOR1939  Dawson Norcross Oxford  ME 
OUL7  Erich Oullette Oxford  ME 
ROS11695  Gordon Rosenberg Oxford  ME 
SIM807  Mark Simpson Oxford  ME 
SPE814  George Spear Oxford  ME 
VAN1283  Brenda Vandecker Oxford  ME 
VAN628  Heather Vandecker Oxford  ME 
VAN1284  Jeff Vandecker Oxford  ME 
WAL5293  Jesse Wall Oxford  ME 
WAR218  Brian Warren Oxford  ME 
WAX44  Tyler Wax Oxford  ME