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Search for racers from "Ghent, NY"
21 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BLA1510  Walter Blank Ghent  NY 
BRU1488  Kristjan Bruno Ghent  NY 
BRU1487  Stephen Bruno Ghent  NY 
DIV140  Henry DiVecchio Ghent  NY 
DUF531  Declan Duffy Ghent, NY  NY 
HAR130  Chris Harland Ghent  NY 
JOH90  Erika Johnson Ghent  NY 
JOH88  Mark Johnson Ghent  NY 
KAR1663  Isabella Karon Ghent  NY 
KAR1662  Jennifer Karon Ghent  NY 
KAR1627  Joshua Karon Ghent  NY 
KAR1628  Joshua Karon Ghent  NY 
KAR1673  Madison Karon Ghent  NY 
LAZ327  Stephanie Lazar Ghent  NY 
MAT1128  Brian Mathew Ghent  NY 
MOL958  Jean Edmond Molnar Ghent  NY 
NEW1534  Adelia Newman Ghent  NY 
NEW1596  Adelia Newman Ghent  NY 
NEW1536  David Newman Ghent  NY 
NEW1535  Oliver Newman Ghent  NY 
SHU72  Zachary Shub-essing Ghent  NY