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Race Results
Feb 12th, 2019
corp Week 5
not provided

Series: Mcintyre beer league
Scoring method: Based on NASTAR Points
Not by Group
Teams of 4
Par Time

Results for Feb 12th, 2019 - corp Week 5

(sorted by last name - best handicap only)
Age & Gender
Jeff AlbertsMale 35-39NH RefrigerationYellow21.2849.12 S* Silver 
Sara BeeManchester, NHFemale 21-29Down Hill From HereYellow17.6723.83 Silver 
Ross BoisvertHooksett, NHMale 45-49Mac RatsYellow16.3314.44 Gold 
Peter BorrowsAuburn, NHMale 35-39Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow19.0933.78 S* Gold 
 Clermont BoutinMale 55-59Mac RatsYellow18.2127.61 Silver 
Josh BrimblecomBedford, NHMale 40-44Better With BeerYellow16.5515.98 Gold 
Kimberly CaronBedford, NHFemale 45-49Mullaneys MissilesYellow19.5737.14 Gold 
Nancy Keenom CaronHooksett, NHFemale 60-64EscargotYellow22.1154.94 Silver 
Tom CaronBedford, NHMale 55-59Mullaneys MissilesYellow17.3121.30 Gold 
Evan ChambersManchester, NHMale 21-29IDKYellow20.6644.78 - 
Garrett ChambersHooksett, NHMale 35-39IDKYellow17.3921.86 Silver 
Dena CilloNew Boston, NHFemale 35-39Better With BeerYellow17.3621.65 Gold 
Mike CoteMale 50-54MisfitsYellow17.6923.97 Silver 
Steve DiersManchester, NHMale 65-69Mac RatsYellow17.9625.86 Gold 
Nate DubiszManchester, NHMale 35-39Better With BeerYellow18.0126.21 Silver 
Mark DuchesneAllenstown, NHMale 40-44Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow17.9926.07 Silver 
Kevin FinkeBedford, NHMale 50-54Down Hill From HereYellow19.1334.06 Silver 
Jodi FortierCandia, NHFemale 60-64Mac RatsYellow18.0126.21 Platinum 
Joan FunckeMANCHESTER, NHFemale 55-59IDKYellow21.1147.93 Silver 
Laura GilmanFemale 35-39Better With BeerYellow17.3321.44 Gold 
Matt GosselinHooksett, NHMale 35-39Handicap Screws Us!Yellow17.0119.20 Silver 
Dennis HaleyBedford, NHMale 50-54Down Hill From HereYellow18.0826.70 Silver 
Dan HannonManchester, NHMale 40-44Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow17.6123.41 Silver 
Dick HoranManchester, NHMale 60-64Mac RatsYellow18.8031.74 Silver 
Patrick HoranManchester, NHMale 35-39Handicap Screws Us!Yellow17.0519.48 Silver 
James JacksonMancherster, NHMale 21-29Mullaneys MissilesYellow16.2613.95 Gold 
Raymond JuneauMilford, NHMale 65-69Triple S (slippery Slope Skiers)Yellow19.2334.76 Silver 
Jayne KingDeerfield, NHFemale 60-64Triple S (slippery Slope Skiers)Yellow19.2935.18 Gold 
Eric KruegerNashua, NHMale 55-59Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow17.2620.95 Gold 
Scott LeverLondonderry, NHMale 60-64Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow18.6930.97 Silver 
Dan MaherLondonderry, NHMale 50-54White HeatYellow19.3335.46 Silver 
 Jacqui McCartinHooksett, NHFemale 60-64EscargotYellow21.3349.47 Silver 
Chip McCoyNashua, NHMale 55-59BrewskisYellow19.5537.00 Silver 
Kevin McGovernManchester, NHMale 30-34IDKYellow17.1520.18 Silver 
Melissa McHughManchester, NHFemale 35-39Nh RefrigerationYellow23.7166.15 S* Silver 
 Walt MilneAuburn, NHMale 55-59BrewskisYellow17.4322.14 Gold 
Mario MontanileManchester, NHMale 30-34Fast Times At McIntyre HighYellow20.2942.19 S* Silver 
Brendan MullaneyAuburn, NHMale 21-29Mullaneys MissilesYellow17.8625.16 Silver 
 Fred MyhaverManchester, NHMale 80-84Triple S (slippery Slope Skiers)Yellow20.0140.22 Gold 
David PaquinGoffstown, NHMale 30-34NH RefrigerationYellow17.6523.69 Silver 
Emily RiviniusBedford, NHFemale 35-39Betterer With BeerYellow17.6123.41 Gold 
Gregg RiviniusBedford, NHMale 40-44Betterer With BeerYellow19.0433.43 S* Gold 
Emily SeditaManchester, NHFemale 30-34Handicap Screws Us!Yellow17.9525.79 Gold 
Patrick SheridanWilton, NHMale 50-54Triple S (slippery Slope Skiers)Yellow17.8925.37 Silver 
Brian SmetsMale 60-64Mullaneys MissilesYellow18.0726.63 Gold 
Jeffery StevensMale 35-39NH RefrigerationYellow19.2935.18 S* Gold 
Rich StevensonManchester, NHMale 70-74Gates And JakesYellow24.0268.33 S* Silver 
Christoper StockenHanover, NHMale 21-29Mullaneys MissilesYellow16.8418.01 Silver 
Jeffrey TancredeCandia, NHMale 35-39Betterer With BeerYellow17.3321.44 Silver 
Vanessa TancredeCandia, NHFemale 35-39Better With BeerYellow17.1320.04 Gold 
Greg TimbasDunbarton, NHMale 55-59Down Hill From HereYellow19.3635.67 Silver 
Jim WalshMale 50-54White HeatYellow19.0233.29 Silver 
Mike WardHooksett, NHMale 55-59IDKYellow17.6623.76 Gold 
Scott WheelerLondonderry, NHMale 40-44Handicap Screws Us!Yellow17.0119.20 Silver 

S = Snowboard (-20)