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Search for racers from "West Springfield, MA"
27 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
AMA28  Mike Amato West Springfield  MA 
BAK1514  Anthony Baker West Springfield  MA 
BUO25  Alan Buoniconti West Springfield  MA 
BUO26  Brianna Buoniconti West Springfield  MA 
COT62  Brian Cote West Springfield  MA 
CRA2238  Amy Craven West Springfield  MA 
CRA2235  Bodie Craven West Springfield  MA 
CRA2237  David Craven West Springfield  MA 
CRA2236  Emily Craven West Springfield  MA 
FLY48  Kara Flynn West Springfield  MA 
FOX788  Tyler Fox West Springfield  MA 
GAL970  Daniel Gallagher West Springfield  MA 
GAL971  Paul Gallagher West Springfield  MA 
GRA643  Robert Grandpre West Springfield  MA 
GRE4403  Noah Green West Springfield  MA 
HOG519  Patrick Hogan West Springfield  MA 
HOG266  Stephanie Hogan West Springfield  MA 
MAR9634  James Marcus West Springfield  MA 
MAR9603  Michael Marcus West Springfield  MA 
MEN605  Cheryl Mendrala West Springfield  MA 
MOY56  Awdrea Moya West Springfield  MA 
PAC60  Walter Pacosa West Springfield  MA 
POL727  Sharon Polastry West Springfield  MA 
SAC505  Robert Sachen West Springfield  MA 
SCH872  Ernst Schackslin West Springfield  MA 
WAL637  Robert Walker West Springfield  MA 
WAL1415  Shelley Walker West Springfield  MA