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Search for racers from "West Allis, WI"
13 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
COL359  Ellen Cole West Allis  WI 
DON2104  Anna Doneff West Allis  WI 
DON2106  Elizabeth Doneff West Allis  WI 
KLE991  Laura Kletti West Allis  WI 
KOZ401  Madeline Kozlosky WEST ALLIS  WI 
LIS16  Justin Lisota West Allis  WI 
MAN263  Terry Manthey West Allis  WI 
RAN388  Mike Ranney West Allis  WI 
RUD611  Denver Rudig West Allis  WI 
RUD628  Denver Rudig West Allis  WI 
RUD627  Stewart Rudig West Allis  WI 
SLE39  Clair Sleger West Allis  WI 
SUL428  Colleen Sullivan West Allis  WI