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Search for racers from "South Kingstown, RI"
15 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BIL707  Aubrie Bilodeau South Kingstown  RI 
BIO73  Franky Bioteau South Kingstown  RI 
BIO74  Jonny Bioteau South Kingstown  RI 
IEM6  Madison Iemma South Kingstown  RI 
IEM5  Matthew Iemma Iemma South Kingstown  RI 
IEM7  Sandy Iemma South Kingstown  RI 
IEM4  Steve Iemma South Kingstown  RI 
LAU1116  Joseph Laurie South Kingstown  RI 
LAU1118  Peter Laurie South Kingstown  RI 
LAU1117  Peter Laurie South Kingstown  RI 
MAR1254  David Marcotte South Kingstown  RI 
NOO8  Elle Moore South Kingstown  RI 
MOR6348  Johnny Morrissey South Kingstown  RI 
MYC13  Marley Mycroft South Kingstown  RI 
VER1132  Izzy Verinis South Kingstown  RI