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Search for racers from "Somerville, NJ"
57 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
AMU44  Wan Amundsen Somerville  NJ 
AND16  Mark Andrews Somerville  NJ 
BRE1088  Jim Brenn Somerville  NJ 
BRE1089  Kaitlin Brenn Somerville  NJ 
BUC209  Andrew Buckwald Somerville  NJ 
BUS831  Jim Bush Somerville  NJ 
DAV1518  Melanie Davis Somerville  NJ 
DAV1517  Tai Davis-Kleppinger Somerville  NJ 
DEC132  Jonathan Decola Somerville  NJ 
DON2276  Ziyue Dong Somerville  NJ 
FAR1527  Paul Faris Somerville  NJ 
FRE2703  Erik Freund Somerville  NJ 
GOO946  Corinne Goodman Somerville  NJ 
GRO1407  Denise Grohn Somerville  NJ 
GRO1406  Lisa Grohn Somerville  NJ 
GUS154  Bob Gustafson Somerville  NJ 
HAY10  Maryann Hayden Somerville  NJ 
HIC592  Emily Hickson Somerville  NJ 
JAN457  Connie Jankoski Somerville  NJ 
JAN458  Vickie Jankoski Somerville  NJ 
JER253  Noahj Jerris Somerville  NJ 
JON1427  Tim Jones Somerville  NJ 
JON1426  Trevor Jones Somerville  NJ 
KAN9  David Kanach Somerville  NJ 
KAU604  Brian Kaufman Somerville  NJ 
KLE516  William Kleppinger Somerville  NJ 
KOV97  Kathy Kovacs Somerville  NJ 
LEU15  Thomas Leuner Somerville  NJ 
MAG12  Jim Maggio Somerville  NJ 
MAL1688  Mike Malatesta Somerville  NJ 
MIT243  Grant Mitchell Somerville  NJ 
MOG132  Matteo Mogmol Somerville  NJ 
MOR4286  Craig Moriris Somerville  NJ 
PAB19  Diane Pabst Somerville  NJ 
PAB16  Jordan Pabst Somerville  NJ 
PAB18  Robert Pabst Somerville  NJ 
PAV48  Troy Pavuk Somerville  NJ 
PHE47  Douglas Phelps Somerville  NJ 
PHI471  Frank Phillipa Somerville  NJ 
PRO77  Susan Proulx Somerville  NJ 
PRO75  Arthur Prouly Somerville  NJ 
RAG108  Howard Ragin Somerville  NJ 
RAG109  Sally Ragin Somerville  NJ 
RAY493  David Raybould  
SAC263  Bruce Sachenski Somerville  NJ 
SCH6206  Joern Schmey Somerville  NJ 
SCH7969  Stacey Schnitt Somerville  NJ 
SCO818  Melissa Scofield Somerville  NJ 
SET71  Steph Settle Somerville  NJ 
SMI5231  Collin Smith Somerville  NJ 

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