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Search for racers from "Somersworth, NH"
48 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ARG90  Kevin Argue Somersworth  NH 
BAL2225  Alexander Baldor Somersworth  NH 
BEN2846  Grayson Benoit Somersworth  NH 
BEN2845  Hayden Benoit Somersworth  NH 
BOU1174  Rick Boulanger Somersworth  NH 
CAR2658  Aaron Carignan Somersworth  NH 
CAR2657  Elizabeth Carignan Somersworth  NH 
CRA491  Denis Crawford Somersworth  NH 
DEV1032  Thomas devaney Somersworth  NH 
FER2382  Bill Ferland Somersworth  NH 
FIT529  Cody Fitzgerald Somersworth  NH 
GAL50  Rebecca Galleshaw Somersworth  NH 
GAL49  Serena Galleshaw Somersworth  NH 
GRO2029  Kerry Grondin Somersworth  NH 
JEN1533  Cindy Jenson Somersworth  NH 
JOL25  Chris Jolin Somersworth  NH 
LAN533  Jason Lane Somersworth  NH 
LAN264  Kurt Lane Somersworth  NH 
LEL42  Heidi Lelke Somersworth  NH 
LIA113  Mae Liautaud Somersworth  NH 
MAY618  Gary Mayo Somersworth  NH 
MCC2997  Jake McCabe Somersworth  NH 
MCL1441  James McLain Somersworth  NH 
MEL1461  Aidan Mellencamp Somersworth  NH 
MIL6176  Hailee Miller Somersworth  NH 
NIC1754  Horia Nicolicin Somersworth  NH 
NIC1747  Radu Nicolicin Somersworth  NH 
NOR169  Andy Northrop Somersworth  NH 
OBR749  Owen Obrien Somersworth  NH 
PER2889  Collin Perreault Somersworth  NH 
REC280  Blanca Recoder Somersworth  NH 
REC282  Joaquin Recoder Somersworth  NH 
REI1828  Brad Reider Somersworth  NH 
ROB1307  Trace Robertson Somersworth  NH 
ROB1308  Tracie Robertson Somersworth  NH 
ROC808  Cameron Rocheleau Somersworth  NH 
ROW470  Julie Rowe Somersworth  NH 
RUN201  Emily Runions Somersworth  NH 
RUN200  Tyler Runions  
SCH15253  Johann Schon Somersworth  NH 
SOM303  Michael Somerset Somersworth  NH 
STA2529  Kyle Stamoulis Somersworth  NH 
THU339  Chelsea Thurston Somersworth  NH 
WEL1868  Jack Welch Somersworth  NH 
WHI659  Alex White Somersworth  NH 
WHI2113  Tim Whitten Somersworth  NH 
WIN1155  Corrine Winter Somersworth  NH 
WIN1156  Corrine Winter Somersworth  NH