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Search for racers from "Shreveport, LA"
144 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ADA29  Jeff Adair Shreveport  LA 
ADC23  Evan Adcock Shreveport  LA 
ALL38  Larry Allen Shreveport  LA 
ALL1538  Ty Alley Shreveport  LA 
AYR23  Lee Ayres Shreveport  LA 
AYR25  Marry Virginia Ayres Shreveport  LA 
AYR32  Mary Ayres Shreveport  LA 
AYR24  Victoria Ayres Shreveport  LA 
BAD34  Joe Badt Shreveport  LA 
BAR1512  Charlotte Barnet Shreveport  LA 
BAR3535  Colleen Barnett Shreveport  LA 
BAR1511  Darrell Barnett Shreveport  LA 
BER5204  Baker Bernard Shreveport  LA 
BOW569  Joe Bowen Shreveport  LA 
BOY178  Carter Boyd Shreveport  LA 
BRI744  Kevin Briley Shreveport  LA 
BRO5437  Becky Brown Shreveport  LA 
BRO5095  Tim Brown Shreveport  LA 
BRO5093  Timothy Brown Shreveport  LA 
BUR683  Dirk Burgess Shreveport  LA 
CAR4483  Adam Carlisle Shreveport  LA 
CAV308  Alex Cavvis Shreveport  LA 
CEN3  Boris Cenajie Shreveport  LA 
CLA671  Kevin Clary Shreveport  LA 
COC169  Rob Cochran Shreveport  LA 
COL4603  Wyche Coleman Shreveport  LA 
COL125  Wmily Collins Shreveport  LA 
CON703  Kaitlyn Connor Shreveport  LA 
CON704  Rhonda Connor Shreveport  LA 
RES123  Elese Denis Shreveport  LA 
DOR283  Hannah Dorsett Shreveport  LA 
DOR282  Helen Dorsett Shreveport  LA 
DRU78  Katie Drummond Shreveport  LA 
DRU77  Kelsey Drummond Shreveport  LA 
DRU79  Paul Drummory Shreveport  LA 
EAR14  Zachary Earnest Shreveport  LA 
EAR291  Baily Earnest-miller Shreveport  LA 
EUG4  Mitchell Eugene Shreveport  LA 
FRI1643  Timothy Frierson Shreveport  LA 
FRY9  Douglas Fryett Shreveport  LA 
GIL1890  John Gilmer Shreveport  LA 
GLE187  Justin Gleason Shreveport  LA 
GOL1441  Kevin Golfman Shreveport  LA 
GRI64  John Griesinger Shreveport  LA 
GRO1611  Natalia Gross Shreveport  LA 
GRO930  Rainer Gross Shreveport  LA 
GRO581  Hart Grozinger Shreveport  LA 
HAR3195  George Hardner Shreveport  LA 
HAR3194  Jamie Hardtner Shreveport  LA 
HAR3193  Jonathan Hardtner Shreveport  LA 

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