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Search for racers from "Oxford, PA"
12 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
CLA1070  Brian Claar Oxford  PA 
CLA1071  Lisa Claar Oxford  PA 
COL4566  Gabe Colon Oxford  PA 
DOY87  Russell Doyle Oxford  PA 
HOO398  Lisa Hoover Oxford  PA 
KEN1904  Connor Kennedy Oxford  PA 
KEN1903  Marianne Kennedy Oxford  PA 
ROB1584  Barbara Robbins Oxford  PA 
ROB1585  Melissa Robbins Oxford  PA 
ROS1828  Emily Rosen Oxford  PA 
RUS704  Doyle Russell Oxford  PA 
STO2570  Craig Stoner Oxford  PA