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Search for racers from "Northfield, IL"
27 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BRO7824  Kirk Brown Northfield  IL 
DAR1028  Chris Darragh Northfield  IL 
DAR1026  Nico Darragh Northfield  IL 
DEL470  Karen Deloys Northfield  IL 
DEL474  Karen Deloys Northfield  IL 
ELL5  Mathew Ellis Northfield  IL 
HUB432  Johnny Huber Northfield  IL 
MEI140  Jeff Meisles Northfield  IL 
NEL398  Ricky Nelson Northfield  IL 
RAC273  Notreal Racer Northfield  IL 
SPA902  Chapman Spaan Northfield  IL 
SPA900  Henri Spaan Northfield  IL 
SPA904  Margaret Spaan Northfield  IL 
SPA903  Pippa Spaan Northfield  IL 
SPA901  Preston Spaan Northfield  IL 
STA4234  Luke Stanczyk Northfield  IL 
STA4233  Maya Stanczyk Northfield  IL 
TOL295  Nancy Tolan Northfield  IL 
TOL296  Patrick Tolan Northfield  IL 
TOL297  Peter Tolan Northfield  IL 
TOT45  Maisie Totaro Northfield  IL 
TOT46  Richard Totaro Northfield  IL 
VIG10  Ashley Viglione Northfield  IL 
WAN712  Elyse Wang Northfield  IL 
WAN710  Eren Wang Northfield  IL 
WAN106  Ren Wang  
WEI2552  Drew Weiner Northfield  IL