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Search for racers from "Minden, NV"
10 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
AXE35  Peter Axelson Minden  NV 
DES1224  Presley Desmond Minden  NV 
JOY52  Dawson Joyce-mendive Minden  NV 
KOW77  Bob Kowalczyk Minden  NV 
MEN129  Lyle Mendive Minden  NV 
MEN141  Taryn Mendive Minden  NV 
MIL6502  Brian Miller Minden  NV 
POL1004  Gary Poley Minden  NV 
PYE4  David Pye  
SCH3296  Bill Schneider Minden  NV