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Search for racers from "Lafayette, CO"
391 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ABB6  Kim Abbott Lafayette  CO 
ADA420  Mark Adams Lafayette  CO 
ALI266  Alyssa Aligata Lafayette  CO 
AND4695  Marc Andrerson Lafayette  CO 
AND3272  Benjamin Andrews Lafayette  CO 
AND3265  Brad Andrews Lafayette  CO 
AND3273  Bradley Andrews Lafayette  CO 
AND3267  Maia Andrews Lafayette  CO 
APP151  Daniel Appel Lafayette  CO 
ARE91  Clayton Arendt Lafayette  CO 
ARE92  Kayleigh Arendt Lafayette  CO 
ASH660  Riun Ashlie Lafayette  CO 
AYC13  Dale Aychhman Lafayette  CO 
BAC218  Amber Bachmeier Lafayette  CO 
BAI407  Trisha Bainbridge Lafayette  CO 
BAL948  David Baldacci Lafayette  CO 
BAR2388  Jimmy Barnhardt Lafayette  CO 
BAR3887  Alexander Bartlett Lafayette  CO 
BAR3888  Nicholas Bartlett Lafayette  CO 
BAS604  Joanna Baskett Lafayette  CO 
BAS598  Srjan Basta Lafayette  CO 
BAT374  Anna Battista Lafayette  CO 
BAT373  John Battista Lafayette  CO 
BAT437  Karen Battista Lafayette  CO 
BAT745  Bryan Battistelli Lafayette  CO 
BAT746  Jack Battistelli Lafayette  CO 
BAT747  Kayla Battistelli Lafayette  CO 
BEE274  Thaxton Beesley Lafayette  CO 
BEL1931  Dave Belin Lafayette  CO 
BEL1108  Abby Belscher Lafayette  CO 
BET388  Maxim Bethurem Lafayette  CO 
BLO1057  Hawk Bloom Lafayette  CO 
BLO602  Chas Bloomfield Lafayette  CO 
BON658  John Bond Lafayette  CO 
BON839  Marc Bonsignore Lafayette  CO 
BOO23  Matt Booth Lafayette  CO 
BOY415  Alan Boyer Lafayette  CO 
BRA897  Barry Bradford Lafayette  CO 
BRE1213  Noel Brendetur Lafayette  CO 
BRO3155  Nikki Brown Lafayette  CO 
BUR931  Ariana Burkley Lafayette  CO 
BUR932  Jeff Burkley Lafayette  CO 
BUU7  Bryan Buus Lafayette  CO 
BUU8  Nate Buus Lafayette  CO 
CAR3728  Valerie Carr Lafayette  CO 
CAR827  Frank Carrannante Lafayette  CO 
CAS1476  Robert Castellino Lafayette  CO 
CAS1477  Loren Castellino Joyce Lafayette  CO 
CHA1468  Mikhall Charnotsky Lafayette  CO 
CHE323  Curt Cheesman Lafayette  CO 

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