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Search for racers from "East Syracuse, NY"
60 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ARL16  Morey Arley East Syracuse  NY 
BAR2579  Jamie Bartenstein East Syracuse  NY 
BOD167  Kathleen Bodek East Syracuse  NY 
BOR1403  Kirill Borziak East Syracuse  NY 
BRO3697  Michael Brown Miller East Syracuse  NY 
BRO2921  Michael Brownmiller East Syracuse  NY 
BUR5398  John Burke East Syracuse  NY 
BUT567  Kara Button East Syracuse  NY 
CON2645  TIM CONOVER East Syracuse  NY 
CON3949  Timothy Conover East Syracuse  NY 
DUG16  David Dugan East Syracuse  NY 
EVA79  Edward Evans East Syracuse  NY 
GIA54  Al Giammimo East Syracuse  NY 
HAH82  Frank Hahn East Syracuse  NY 
HEN851  Matt Henry East Syracuse  NY 
KEE750  Paul Keenan East Syracuse  NY 
KER924  Alec Keres East Syracuse  NY 
KER925  Paul Keres East Syracuse  NY 
KNY1  Marianne Knych East Syracuse  NY 
KOP245  Ernst Kopp East Syracuse  NY 
KUP104  Diane Kupperman East Syracuse  NY 
LAR1372  Bob Larosche East Syracuse  NY 
LEE1720  Maddy Lee East Syracuse  NY 
LEM551  Sebastien Lemoine East Syracuse  NY 
MAD274  Lee Maddy East Syracuse  NY 
MAR7328  Grace Maring East Syracuse  NY 
MAR5213  Tim Maring East Syracuse  NY 
MAR7240  Tim Maring East Syracuse  NY 
MAR5203  Timothy MAring East Syracuse  NY 
MAR2097  Morgan Marini East Syracuse  NY 
MAR2197  Thomas Marini East Syracuse  NY 
MAR2198  Tommy Marini East Syracuse  NY 
MAZ450  Catherine Mazzaroppi East Syracuse  NY 
MCC2444  Jane Mc Carthy East Syracuse  NY 
MIL2503  Lynn Miller East Syracuse  NY 
NEU508  Eric Neubauer East Syracuse  NY 
PEA572  Ryan Pease East Syracuse  NY 
PEN302  DAWN PENNIMAN East Syracuse  NY 
QUI760  Patrick Quilty East Syracuse  NY 
REA604  Heidi Read East Syracuse  NY 
REI2960  Meghan Reichel East Syracuse  NY 
RET63  Kelly Retchless East Syracuse  NY 
RIC54  Helen Richardson East Syracuse  NY 
SAM452  Roberto Sampos East Syracuse  NY 
SCH13004  Rebecca Schafer  
SCH5900  Rick Schubert East Syracuse  NY 
SED5  Thomas Sedgwick East Syracuse  NY 
SHI284  Jeff Shilo East Syracuse  NY 
SLO436  John Sloan East Syracuse  NY 
SOU258  Kendall Southard East Syracuse  NY 

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