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Search for racers from "Decorah, IA"
11 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BLO811  Evan Blodgett Decorah  IA 
BUL59  James Bullard Decorah  IA 
COO2809  Isaac Cooper Decorah  IA 
DAH162  Charles Dahly Decorah  IA 
DRA581  Elliott Drake Decorah  IA 
HOT10  Janice Hotvedt Decorah  IA 
JAC316  Karl Jacobsen Decorah  IA 
KLO12  Chelsea Klocke Decorah  IA 
KLO11  Kent Klocke Decorah  IA 
OSB64  Douglas Osborn Decorah  IA 
WYS28  Thomas Wyse Decorah  IA