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Search for racers from "Barnstable, MA"
11 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
DON430  Stoph Donahue Barnstable  MA 
FRO367  Damian Frost Barnstable  MA 
HIN630  Greg Hingston Barnstable  MA 
KAP620  Doris Kapp  
KEL2099  Parker Kelley Barnstable  MA 
MAS1301  Morag Masil Barnstable  MA 
TEL118  Jack Telman Barnstable  MA 
WAL3124  Christina Walsh Barnstable  MA 
WEI3397  James Weiler Barnstable  MA 
WIL6929  John Willis Barnstable  MA 
WIL7991  John Willis Barnstable  MA