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Search for racers from "Avenel, NJ"
15 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BOO190  Brian Booth Avenel  NJ 
BRI1844  Alex Brignac Avenel  NJ 
COH533  Barry Cohorsky Avenel  NJ 
DON1682  James Donoghue Avenel  NJ 
DON1686  James Donoghue Avenel  NJ 
FAR947  Glen Farkas Avenel  NJ 
GOL1589  Alex Goloubev Avenel  NJ 
KEI233  Dan Keifer Avenel  NJ 
KEI244  Daniel Keifer Avenel  NJ 
LOP377  Andie Lopata Avenel  NJ 
MAY692  Julia Mayers Avenel  NJ 
SCH5547  Burt Schlecker Avenel  NJ 
SCH5546  Nikki Schlecker Avenel  NJ 
UGI2  Ronald Ugi Avenel  NJ 
YEK2  Gary Yekel Avenel  NJ