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Search for racers from "Amagansett, NY"
16 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BUR5424  Tyler Burcher-DuPont Amagansett  NY 
DEL1663  Fernanda Delavega Amagansett  NY 
DEL1661  Mario Delavega Amagansett  NY 
DEL1662  Santiago Delavega Amagansett  NY 
GUA31  Dan Gualteri Amagansett  NY 
GUA103  Noah Gualteri Amagansett  NY 
GUA33  Andrew Gualtieri Amagansett  NY 
GUA39  Daniel Gualtieri Amagansett  NY 
GUA32  Tim Gualtieri Amagansett  NY 
OKI14  Ben Okin Amagansett  NY 
OKI16  Benjamin Okin Amagansett  NY 
POT249  Ben Potter Amagansett  NY 
STR1042  Anthony Struk Amagansett  NY 
VIG130  Tommy Vigorita Amagansett  NY 
VIG129  Vincent Vigorita Amagansett  NY 
WAR2488  Kristin Ward Amagansett  NY