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Search for racers from "Lafayette, CA"
284 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ABE129  Doug Abeles Lafayette  CA 
ABE124  Jamie Abeles Lafayette  CA 
ABE125  Shelby Abeles Lafayette  CA 
ABE128  Vicki Abeles Lafayette  CA 
ABE287  Zakary Abeles Lafayette  CA 
ABE250  Zak Abelese Lafayette  CA 
ARA230  Ishaan Arabolu Lafayette  CA 
ARC253  Alex Archer Lafayette  CA 
ARC252  Charlotte Archer  
ARC254  Peter Archer Lafayette  CA 
ARC251  Sara Archer Lafayette  CA 
ARC255  Tim Archer Lafayette  CA 
BAC27  James Bach Lafayette  CA 
BAC216  Jim Bach Lafayette  CA 
BAC507  Katharine Bach Lafayette  CA 
BAC26  Sharon Bach Lafayette  CA 
BAI1513  Yasi Baiani Lafayette  CA 
BAK1179  Riley Baker Lafayette  CA 
BAM84  Maclaine Bamberger Lafayette  CA 
BEN1280  Clay Benley Lafayette  CA 
BEN1281  Nina Bentley Lafayette  CA 
BER2421  Jason Bertaccai Lafayette  CA 
BLO1215  Ari Bloch Lafayette  CA 
BOL414  Linda Bolla Lafayette  CA 
BOL1197  Andre Bolobine Lafayette  CA 
BOL1086  Juliana Bolobine  
BOO213  Jon Boome Lafayette  CA 
BRE2723  Lucas Breul Lafayette  CA 
BRE1972  Katja Brewer Lafayette  CA 
BRE1974  Lauren Brewer Lafayette  CA 
BRE3092  Lauren Brewer Lafayette  CA 
BRE1973  Michael Brewer Lafayette  CA 
BUR4991  Will Burleigh Lafayette  CA 
CAR5150  Sean Carroll Lafayette  CA 
CAR5644  Sienna Carroll Lafayette  CA 
CER396  Lily Cervenka Lafayette  CA 
CER371  Lily Cervenka Lafayette  CA 
CHA4741  Kasey Chan Lafayette  CA 
CHA4742  Kody Chan Lafayette  CA 
CHE111  Forrest Cheney Lafayette  CA 
CHI1265  Samantha Chiu Lafayette  CA 
CHI1264  Winston Chiu Lafayette  CA 
CHO706  Ajax Choudhury  
CHO707  Tristan Choudhury LAFAYETTE  CA 
CLA295  Bill Claussen Lafayette  CA 
COL1203  Bill Collett Lafayette  CA 
COL1204  Jane Collett Lafayette  CA 
COM252  Robert Combi Lafayette  CA 
COO2796  Benjamin Cook Lafayette  CA 
COO2795  Brady Cook Lafayette  CA 

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