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Race Results
Jan 29th, 2025
BHWEDD Week 4 - Ski Challenge 2025
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Par Time

Results for Jan 29th, 2025 - BHWEDD Week 4 - Ski Challenge 2025

(sorted by last name - best handicap only)
Age & Gender
Dan AkinsMinneapolis, MNMale 65-69Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed22.3528.97 Gold 
NICOLE ANDERSONEden Prairie, MNFemale 45-49Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed22.7131.04 Gold 
TIM AUNEMendota Heights, MNMale 60-64ULLR Raiders of the Lost FjordThe Ski ChallengeRed22.9632.49 Silver 
Stephan BurgesonSaint Paul, MNMale 60-64The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed18.868.83 Platinum 
Chris DabroskiLakeville, MNMale 60-64The Birds of PreyThe SKi ChallengeBlue18.6213.05 Platinum 
Bill DambergExcelsior, MNMale 65-69Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeRed24.3440.45 Silver 
Skip DickelMedina, MNMale 80-84The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed24.5441.60 Gold 
NETTIE DOEDENFemale 55-59The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed21.3723.31 Platinum 
Lee EricksonEagan, MNMale 75-79ULLR Raiders of the Lost FjordThe Ski ChallengeRed25.7548.59 Silver 
 Mark EumurianOakdale, MNMale 70-74Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeBlue20.8726.72 Gold 
 Barb EversonSavage, MNFemale 55-59The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed21.6725.04 Platinum 
 Dave EversonSavage, MNMale 55-59The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed17.973.69 Platinum 
Tom FletcherMale 60-64Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed20.9921.12 Gold 
Charlie FoxShorewood, MNMale 70-74Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed22.7431.22 Gold 
Marie FranchettMinneapolis, MNFemale 65-69Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed23.9838.37 Gold 
Kristin GrebeMinnetrista, MNFemale 55-59The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeBlue19.4017.79 Platinum 
Aaron GubrudJordan, MNMale 50-54Ski CriminalsThe Ski ChallengeBlue20.0021.43 Gold 
Mike GuggenbergerEagan, MNMale 60-64Ski CriminalsThe Ski ChallengeRed22.6130.47 Silver 
DAVE GULBRANSONOakdale, MNMale 55-59Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeRed21.3823.37 Gold 
Anne HartmanCarver, MNFemale 60-64Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed23.4135.08 Gold 
Dan HeilandPlymouth, MNMale 65-69Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeRed21.7425.45 Gold 
 Bob HeinschPrescott, WIMale 50-54The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed18.265.37 Platinum 
DOUG HENDRIXLakeville, MNMale 65-69Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeRed24.5841.83 Silver 
 Pat HillerMedina, MNMale 65-69The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed18.627.44 Platinum 
Dave KalinaNew Brighton, MNMale 70-74Po-Jamma PeopleThe SKi ChallengeRed23.9938.43 Silver 
 Alex KapelevichShoreview, MNMale 70-74Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed22.9232.26 Gold 
John KasprickCarver, MNMale 60-64ULLR Raiders of the Lost FjordThe Ski ChallengeRed21.6925.16 Gold 
Isabella KeatingLong Lake, MNFemale 75-79Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed25.8849.34 Gold 
RON KLEVEChanhassen, MNMale 65-69Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeRed21.8526.08 Gold 
David LaugenNaperville, ILMale 60-64Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed20.1716.39 Platinum 
 Dwight LudvigsonEagan, MNMale 70-74Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeRed20.8520.31 Platinum 
ROBERT MADSENBloomington, MNMale 60-64Ski CriminalsThe Ski ChallengeBlue21.6331.33 Silver 
Sue MalechaRosemount, MNFemale 65-69ULLR Raiders of the Lost FjordThe Ski ChallengeRed25.5447.37 Gold 
Tom MylanLong Lake, MNMale 75-79Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeBlue26.7162.17 Bronze 
 Marc NelsenFridley, MNMale 65-69Po-Jamma PeopleThe SKi ChallengeBlue19.2717.00 Platinum 
Jim NelsonExcelsior, MNMale 65-69Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed20.0215.52 Platinum 
CHRISTOPHER OHLANDBloomington, MNMale 40-44The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed17.913.35 Platinum 
Barry OlsonSavage, MNMale 65-69The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed19.7313.85 Platinum 
Anne ParkerSaint Paul, MNFemale 65-69Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeBlue33.79105.16 - 
John PattersonIndependence, MNMale 60-64Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed19.1310.39 Platinum 
Chris PremMound, MNMale 35-39The Birds of PreyThe SKi ChallengeBlue16.952.91 Platinum 
MIKE QUISTMinnetonka, MNMale 60-64Ski CriminalsThe Ski ChallengeRed20.3517.43 Platinum 
Cindy RebertusJordan, MNFemale 70-74Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed30.2574.55 Bronze 
ROB REBERTUSJordan, MNMale 65-69Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed21.5524.35 Gold 
 Bob RudePrior Lake, MNMale 65-69Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeRed22.6130.47 Gold 
 Andrey RyvlinPlymouth, MNMale 65-69Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed18.758.19 Platinum 
Tiffani SchoenbergerMinneapolis, MNFemale 45-49Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed21.0821.64 Platinum 
 Dan SegnerChanhassen, MNMale 65-69Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed20.3117.20 Platinum 
 Dennis SenneBloomington, MNMale 55-59Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed21.6825.10 Silver 
 Arkady ShemyakinMinneapolis, MNMale 65-69Po-Jamma PeopleThe Ski ChallengeRed23.0132.78 Silver 
Greg SolieMale 65-69Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed23.2233.99 Silver 
Juli stockbergerEden Prairie, MNFemale 60-64Guys & DollsThe Ski ChallengeRed21.0621.52 Platinum 
Ruby TamSt Louis Park, MNFemale 55-59Liquid IceThe Ski ChallengeRed22.7331.16 Gold 
Bruce ThomasRobbinsdale, MNMale 65-69Po-Jamma PeopleThe SKi ChallengeRed21.5824.52 Gold 
 Gene TomasCoon Rapids, MNMale 55-59The Karma TerrainThe Ski ChallengeRed20.4117.77 Gold 
Tony TorntoreDeephaven, MNMale 60-64The Birds of PreyThe SKi ChallengeRed21.6725.04 Gold 
MAGGIE TRENARYExcelsior, MNFemale 60-64The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed22.1327.70 Platinum 
Rick TrenaryMinnetrista, MNMale 55-59The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed18.486.64 Platinum 
SARAH TRESSELMinneapolis, MNFemale 60-64Buck NakedThe Ski ChallengeRed23.6236.30 Gold 
BOB WHITEVictoria, MNMale 75-79Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeRed25.1345.01 E* Platinum 
 Bill WilsonCannon Falls, MNMale 65-69The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed18.396.12 Platinum 
Billy WilsonCannon Falls, MNMale 18-20The Birds of PreyThe Ski ChallengeRed18.134.62 Platinum 
Ken WilsonApple Valley, MNMale 65-69Piste OffThe Ski ChallengeBlue24.9051.18 Bronze 

E = Adaptive Alpine: Visual Impairment (-45)