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Team Racing

NASTAR Team Racing is a great way for friends and family members to compete together during the season regardless of when and where they race. Each time a team member races at a NASTAR resort they score points for their team. That's correct - you don't even have to race at the same time or location to score points for your team! NASTAR has created three team formats for participants to join - Family/Friends Team, Resort Team and Club Team. Participants can join an existing team or create a team of their own.
Get Team Results
To view a team's summary (members, results, standings, etc.), select a team name under one of the team formats indicated below:

Who Can Race as a Team?
Everyone of course! NASTAR Team Competitions are open to groups of racers of any age and ability interested in competing on a team.

How Do I Join a Team?
If you have not registered for NASTAR and plan to do so online, you may select the option to race on a team when you complete the registration form on the Register to Race page.

If you have already registered, NASTAR provides you with the ability to maintain your Race Record during the year including the ability to join an existing team, change teams or create a new team. To do so you must login at the top of the page using your NASTAR Registration Number and NASTAR Password. Once you login, you will have access to special features on your Race Record. Click "edit/update personal information" to make changes to your Race Record. This takes you to a completed Register to Race page with your personal information indicated on the form. Scroll down to the Team Racing option. If you know the team you wish to join you can select the team name from the drop down list or if you would like to create a new team simply do so by entering your team name in the space provided. Click "update" and you're off to the races!

Click here for instructions on how to maintain your Race Record.

How Many People Can Be on a Team?
Unlimited, however only the top 6 team members are used to score on a Family/Friends Team, 15 team members are used to score on a on a Club Team and the top 20 team members are used to score a Resort Team. If fewer than the minimum number of team members (6, 15 or 20) do not complete at least one race for your team, the team result will be reduced. Additional team members can be added or removed at any time during the season. To do so, the team member must login using their NASTAR Registration Number and NASTAR Password. Once logged, click "edit personal information" within the yellow Race Tools box, and add or remove team names.

Where Can My Team race?
At any NASTAR resort across the country! Team members do not need to race on the same day and in fact team members don't even need to race at the same resort. For example, if your family is spread across the nation and you never see one another, let alone ski together, you can still compete as a Family/Friends Team. Each time you race you can potentially score points for your team (see below). The NASTAR Software automatically recognizes that you are member of a team so there's no need to inform the resort each time you race.

How is My Team Scored?
Teams are scored based on a team point average. Team members score points for their team based on the best handicap they earn during the season. Only the top point gainers from each team will be used to score points for their team team (6 for Family/Friends Teams, 15 for Club Teams and 20 for Resort Teams). The number of NASTAR points earned by these top point gainers are added together and divided by the number of top point gainers (6, 15 or 20) to get the Team Score. In the event of a tie, the team with the most total NASTAR points earned during the season will win. Go to View Rankings to see how your team stacks up!

The NASTAR Handicap Chart shows the handicap needed in each age & gender category to earn a particular number of NASTAR points. Click here to view the NASTAR Handicap Chart. The number of NASTAR points indicated on the chart is a range. Since NASTAR points are interpolated, the exact number of NASTAR points you earn will be within this range. If you are one of the top point gainers for your team, the exact number of NASTAR points you score for your team is indicated on your Team Race Record.

How to Calculate NASTAR Points
It's a process of interpolation. First you take the handicap and see where it fits in the handicap chart. Then from the chart get the minimum and maximum values for the NASTAR Points and the corresponding range of handicaps. Then calculate where the NASTAR points would be based on where the handicap lies between the minimum and maximum. The calculation to do this is:

TScore := Maximum Team Score in Range - ((HCap - minHC) x 2.99 / (maxHC - minHC)) (the value of 2.99 is the range of Team Scores within the Gold, Silver and Bronze handicap range. The Platinum range is .99)