Login to NASTAR Racing
Congrats on your NASTAR race!

Thank you for racing NASTAR! How do you compare against other competitors from your mountain, across America and the world, even the Land Rover U.S. Ski Team? Login to your NASTAR record to see your ranking and keep racing to earn a National ranking!

As a registered NASTAR member, you will receive exclusive insider tips on how to become a better skier and a faster racer. Receive exclusive access to U.S. Ski Team Partner deals, a subscription to SKI magazine, and qualify to race in NASTAR Regional and National Championship competitions with U.S. Ski Team members and alumnus.

NASTAR members are assigned a lifetime registration number which begins with the first three letters of the participant's last name, and signing up for a Regional or National Championship event is as easy as logging into you NASTAR account!

Begin by creating a NASTAR Password in the field below and hit Register.