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Search for racers from "Jamestown, NC"
18 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BAU185  Fritz Baumgartner Jamestown  NC 
BIL785  Jackson Bilbro Jamestown  NC 
BOY29  David Boy Jamestown  NC 
CAS2083  Mieng Castillo Jamestown  NC 
CRI11  Mark Critzer Jamestown  NC 
GUE193  Jeff Guernier Jamestown  NC 
GUE194  Jeffrey Guernier Jamestown  NC 
HER627  Natthias Hertc Jamestown  NC 
KIO11  Ray Kiow Jamestown  NC 
LIN1035  Gary Lindenberg Jamestown  NC 
MCC6329  Ben McCain Jamestown  NC 
MCC6415  Ben McCain Jamestown  NC 
MCC474  Darrell McCall Jamestown  NC 
MON624  Wayne Montgomery Jamestown  NC 
REC121  Darrell Recal Jamestown  NC 
ROS1609  Leah Rosenheck Jamestown  NC 
STE762  Robert Stevens Jamestown  NC 
TAL549  Tanya Talley Jamestown  NC