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Search for racers from "Jenks, OK"
38 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ALL1136  Madeline Allensworth Jenks  OK 
BON974  Bryce Bonnet Jenks  OK 
BRO753  Emily Brown Jenks  OK 
COO184  Andrew Cooke Jenks  OK 
CUL227  Hayden Culver Jenks  OK 
CUL228  Ranae Culver Jenks  OK 
CUR1222  Nathan Curtin Jenks  OK 
CUR1539  Sabrina Curtin Jenks  OK 
ERV55  Victoria Ervin Jenks  OK 
FER1920  Christopher Ferguson  
GEO393  Sandi George Jenks  OK 
HAR453  Paul Harris Jenks  OK 
HYD43  Becky Hyde Jenks  OK 
KEL665  Christine Kelly Jenks  OK 
LON391  Matt Long Jenks  OK 
LON390  Terri Long Jenks  OK 
LON631  Cain Longan Jenks  OK 
HUL336  Danielle Martin Jenks  OK 
MCB55  Larry McBurnett Jenks  OK 
NIC983  Bill Nichols Jenks  OK 
ROB2045  Ethan Roberts Jenks  OK 
ROB2046  Kelly Roberts Jenks  OK 
SAN1143  Justin Sanwick Jenks  OK 
SAN161  Travis Sanwick JENKS  OK 
SCH13661  Paul Schroedter Jenks  OK 
SHO112  Kevin Short Jenks  OK 
SNO19  Tadd Snowbarger Jenks  OK 
STE1209  Clint Stevens Jenks  OK 
WHS1  Joe Whshburn Jenks  OK 
WIE146  Bryan Wiesman Jenks  OK 
WIE149  Joey Wiesman Jenks  OK 
WIE148  Leslie Wiesman Jenks  OK 
WIL4269  Steven Wilson Jenks  OK 
WIS571  David Wiseman Jenks  OK 
WOO481  Barry Woods Jenks  OK 
WOO480  Leslie Woods Jenks  OK 
WOO482  Shelby Woods Jenks  OK 
YOU1092  Sam Young Jenks  OK