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Search for racers from "Monroe, NC"
15 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
ARM78  Katherine Armstrong Monroe  NC 
AUS52  Richard Austin Monroe  NC 
BAR1700  Faris Barbee Monroe  NC 
CRO287  Kelley Crowe Monroe  NC 
GUS194  Marc Gustafoson Monroe  NC 
HAB137  Tess Haberl Monroe  NC 
HEL221  Ann Helms Monroe  NC 
HEL220  Gary Helms Monroe  NC 
KOR246  Monica Korber Monroe  NC 
MUL743  Joe Mulrooney Monroe  NC 
MUS633  Micah Musialowski Monroe  NC 
OTT106  Burk Otterstadt Monroe  NC 
OTT107  Vera Otterstadt Monroe  NC 
RUS342  Scott Rushing Monroe  NC 
SPI1  Aaron Spiegel Monroe  NC