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Search for racers from "Newland, NC"
15 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BLA1195  Rick Blackburn Newland  NC 
BRI2448  Landon Brigman Newland  NC 
CLO311  Bill Close Newland  NC 
DEL2554  William Dellinger Newland  NC 
DES1203  Elizabeth Desmond Newland  NC 
GOB13  Stephen Goble Newland  NC 
HOR1766  Shelby Horton Newland  NC 
HUN1277  Joshua Hunsucker Newland  NC 
HYS1  Max Hyska Newland  NC 
KEN1883  Jeff Kenrick Newland  NC 
LED248  Kevin Ledford Newland  NC 
LYE16  Christopher Lyerly Newland  NC 
MIT1481  Shawn Mitchell Newland  NC 
SAL1858  Erika Salkeld Newland  NC 
THO4173  Adam Thompson Newland  NC