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Search for racers from "Weare, Nh"
213 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
AND5275  Charlie Anderson Weare  NH 
AND5276  Gunner Anderson Weare  NH 
AUS45  Greg Austin Weare  NH 
AUS243  Gregory Austin Weare  NH 
AVA4  Eric Avard Weare  NH 
BAL914  Laura Balestreri Weare  NH 
BAR5094  Daniel Baram Weare  NH 
BAR5128  Heather Baram Weare  NH 
BAS810  Jacob Bashaw Weare  NH 
BED87  Dave Bedard Weare  NH 
BED7  David Bedard Weare  NH 
BEN278  Bruce Bennett Weare  NH 
CAM2389  Michael Camacho Weare  NH 
CAP874  Valentina Caponi Weare  NH 
CAR7661  Michael Carando Weare  NH 
CAR3575  Justine Carlson Weare  NH 
CAR3573  Rick Carlson Weare  NH 
CAR6349  Thomas Carr Weare  NH 
CAR7257  Thomas Carr Weare  NH 
CAR6554  Tom Carr Weare  NH 
CAR7101  Emily Carrigg Weare  NH 
CAS941  Poirier Casey Weare  NH 
CHI1338  Francesca Childs Weare  NH 
CIA187  Daniel Ciarla Weare  NH 
CIP17  James Ciprotti  
CLA174  Joe Claridge Weare  NH 
CLA128  Joseph Claridge Weare  NH 
CLA508  James Clark Weare  NH 
CLA1532  James Clark Weare  NH 
CLA1806  Jim Clarke Weare  NH 
CLE98  Kyle Clements Weare  NH 
CLE251  Sarah Clements Weare  NH 
CLE941  Kyle Cleveland Weare  NH 
CLO151  Amanda Clow Weare  NH 
CLO259  Samuel Clow Weare  NH 
CLO150  Todd Clow Weare  NH 
COL2978  Aaron Colburn Weare  NH 
COL275  Hannah Cole Weare  NH 
COL1827  Michael Cole Weare  NH 
CON4164  Jim Connors Weare  NH 
COT24  Marc Cote Weare  NH 
COU100  Doug Coulters Weare  NH 
COU1386  Hannah Courant Weare  NH 
COU1356  Hannah Courant Weare  NH 
COU1350  Jude Courant Weare  NH 
COU1324  Rachael Courant Weare  NH 
COU1349  Rae Courant Weare  NH 
COU1325  Steve Courant Weare  NH 
COU1348  Steve Courant Weare  NH 
COU323  Nicolas Couraud Weare  NH 

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