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Search for racers from "Hillsdale, Nj"
66 matches found - click on the name to see their results

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Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
MCE243  Tanner McEvoy Hillsdale  NJ 
MEY305  David Meyerson Hillsdale  NJ 
NEW479  Greg Newman Hillsdale  NJ 
NOV162  Frank Novakowski Hillsdale  NJ 
SCH4892  Josef Schmidt Hillsdale  NJ 
SHU471  Joshua Shulman Hillsdale  NJ 
SOL977  Stephen Solazzo Hillsdale  NJ 
SPE277  Jason Sperber Hillsdale  NJ 
SPE1149  Lisa Sperber Hillsdale  NJ 
SPI781  Dean Spirito Hillsdale  NJ 
WAN269  Barbara Wankoff Hillsdale  NJ 
WAN266  David Wankoff Hillsdale  NJ 
WAN268  Eric Wankoff Hillsdale  NJ 
WAN267  Rachel Wankoff Hillsdale  NJ 
WEI1397  Andrew Weinstein Hillsdale  NJ 
ZYW1  Kurt Zywietz Hillsdale  NJ 

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