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Search for racers from "Buxton, ME"
13 matches found - click on the name to see their results

Reg #        Name                                 City                                         State
BAT592  Lily Batt Buxton  ME 
DOH169  Andrea Doherty Buxton  ME 
GOO1440  Steve Goodwin Buxton  ME 
GOO206  Steven Goodwin Buxton  ME 
HAS464  Larry Haskell Buxton  ME 
KES281  Joel Kessler Buxton  ME 
KES282  Stephen Kessler Buxton  ME 
KOV183  Stephen Kovacs Buxton  ME 
MAC3590  Mackenzie MacDonald Buxton  ME 
MAR5273  Richard Marciano Buxton  ME 
POT306  Steve Potter Buxton  ME 
RYA382  Charles Ryan Buxton  ME 
WAS463  Malcolm Washburn Buxton  ME